Sonobudoyo Museum offers opportunities for students to gain experience working in the museum sector and become part of providing services to visitors through the Internship Program or Field Work Practice (PKL) at Sonobudoyo Museum.
The requirements for Internship/Field Work Practice (PKL) at Sonobudoyo Museum:
1. Prospective interns/PKL have conducted a survey to Sonobudoyo Museum, no later than 1 (one) month before sending an internship/PKL application letter.
2. The internship application letter is addressed to the Head of Sonobudoyo Museum. The letter is sent to Sonobudoyo Museum Unit 2 (hard file) or sent to the email address (soft file).
3. Things that must be included in the internship/PKL application letter are, internship period, name, Student/Student ID Number, Study Program.
4. Several internship applicants from the same 1 (one) agency, may only send one application letter (one letter for many applicants).
5. Internship positions offered: Library Services, Library Collection Processing, Library Collection Maintenance, Archiving, Office Administration, Collection Conservation, Collection Management, Manuscript Services, Guidance, Visual Communication Design (DKV), Social Media.
6. The internship period at Sonobudoyo is a minimum of 2 (two) months, a maximum of 6 (six) months.
7. Applicants for internships/PKL are prioritized who are not taking courses during the internship period and are not in the process of supervising their thesis/final project or other activities on campus, so that the implementation of the internship is not disturbed. This willingness is stated in writing by the intern/PKL participant that they are not taking courses or other activities on campus.
8. Must use the nametag determined by the Sonobudoyo Museum. The name tag design can be seen at
9. Submit the approved internship report to the Sonobudoyo Museum in soft file form.
10. Interns/PKL participants who have completed all obligations during their internship/PKL at the Sonobudoyo Museum are entitled to receive a digital certificate.
11. Permission to be absent due to illness must be accompanied by a doctor's letter. The doctor's letter is submitted to the internship/PKL supervisor when they return.
12. Interns who resign must make a conscious and uncoerced resignation letter signed by the participant concerned; make a letter of resignation from the campus/school signed by the participant concerned and a representative of the campus (signed and stamped). The resignation letter is made in 2 (two) copies.