Sonobudoyo State Museum is a Regional Technical Implementation Unit at the Yogyakarta Special Region Provincial Cultural Office, which has the function of managing museum objects that have scientific cultural value, including development collections and cultural educational guidance. Meanwhile, his duties are collecting, caring for, preserving, carrying out research, library services, cultural educational guidance and presenting collections of the Sonobudoyo State Museum.
Tonton VideoCandrakiranan is an extension of the Sonobudoyo Museum's showroom, which is located on
The Temporary Exhibition Building is a cultural activity
Yogyakarta Sonobudoyo Museum is the second largest museum in Indonesia in terms of numb
Bagi sebagian orang museum identik dengan benda-benda diam yang tidak terjamah. D
Exhibiting various puppet collections that function as a medium for the spread of religion, as well as puppets that contain the values of life teachings. From this room, visitors can learn about.&l
Jl. Trikora / Pangurakan No. 6, Yogyakarta 55122.
(0274) 373617
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