Museum Potential Carnival is one of a series of events in the "Museum Potential Degree 2019" event. The event was organized by Barahmus (Badan Musyawarah Musea) DIY supported by the Dinas Kebudayaan (Kundha Kabudayan) DIY with special funds.
The museum carnival was attended by 37 museum members of Barahmus by displaying collections and typical dances that depict each museum. The carnival starts at 14.00 WIB from the Pemda Kabupaten Sleman Field and finishes at the Denggung Sleman Field.
After the Museum Carnival, the Museum Exhibition will be located at Sleman City Hall (SCH) Denggung, Sleman. The exhibit featured 37 flagship collections of member museums of Barahmus and other invited museums. The Potential Museum event was held on 7-10 August 2019 at the Denggung Field Complex and Sleman City Hall.
The event is expected to be a media introduction to the museum to the wider community.