Thursday morning ( 01/14/2016 ) , Sonobudoyo visited by brother - sister of KB / TK ABA Jogokaryan Yogyakarta . This visit in the context of learning activities outside the classroom with the theme " Educational visits in Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta" . Visits chaired by Ms. Siti Rokhayati , SH numbering 125 students and 17 teachers and chaperones.
Participants were divided into 4 groups excursions guided by a guide Sonobudoyo . The participants were very enthusiastic about the visit when the guide Sonobudoyo identifies and describes about any collection of objects that are in the Permanent Exhibition Room Sonobudoyo
The purpose of this visit among which "Making learning fun and provide a real experience to the child " . In addition it is expected to instill a love of the nation's cultural heritage to children - children early .