Saturday, September 5th, 2015 Management Prodi Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta visit Sonobudoyo. The visit is in the framework of the annual Festival Management. Festival management or more familiarly called by Manfest is a series of events that consists of 5 events. This event is an annual event in the management department of the University of Sanata Dharma which is held every September. Manfest itself has been running for 2 years, and this is the third year the organization of cultural performance that has three pillars, namely entrepreneurship, culture and tourism.
The fifth series of events is one of them heritage trip. Heritage is an event cycling trip around the place - a place that is steeped in culture in Yogyakarta alone, one Sonobudoyo. The event aims to introduce and maintain places - historic sites in Yogyakarta to the community, especially this current generation.