Variety exhibition Pesona Nusantara Traditional Cloth 2015 has been officially opened by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia, represented by the Head of the National Museum Mrs. Intan Mardiana at the State Museum of West Sumatra Province Jl. Diponegoro No. 10 Padang (Wednesday, 05/08/2015). The opening of the exhibition was marked by the beating of the drum and cutting bloated. A total of 270 traditional fabrics from 34 museums in Indonesia (Sabang-Merauke) exhibited in order to preserve the culture of the archipelago.
In the opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by the Chairman of AMI (Association of Indonesian Museum), the Governor of West Sumatra, as well as the entire head of the museum in Indonesia. The exhibition will take place from 5 to 8 August 2015. Exhibition opening enlivened with performances Pasambahan Dance, Dance and Dance Plate Kain Nusantara Creative.
In this exhibition, the Museum of Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta participated by exhibiting a collection of batik cloth. The batik fabrics on display are:
1. Batik Motif Truntum
2. Batik Motif Kasatrian
3. Batik Motif Sido Mukti
4. Batik Motif Sido Asih
5. Batik Motif Sido Luhur