In 2011 Sonobudoyo carry out the following activities:
Kakayaan Cultural Management Program:
- Joint exhibition at the national museum Jambi (in May 2011)
- Regional museum with exhibits in Palu (in September 2011)
- Joint exhibition museum in Jakarta (in May 2011)
- Joint exhibition museum in the Bantul local level. (July 2011)
- Exhibition with local museums in Sleman (September 2011)
- Rescue manuscript Sonobudoyo (Month July-November 2011)
- Performances of wayang kulit short duration (Months January to December 2011)
- Digitizing manuscripts collection Sonobudoyo (Month of July - November 2011)
Denganakan grant program activities are expected to museum
Sonobudoyo, would be more widely known by the public.