Sonobudoyo Museum is an educational and cultural tourism object in Yogyakarta. Visiting the Sonobudoyo Museum, we can gain knowledge about history, art, culture, and heritage objects in Indonesia from Java, Madura, Bali and Lombok. The collections in the Museum are evidence of human creations from prehistoric times to colonial times.
Each collection on display has information that can provide information and educate anyone who visits the museum. The Sonobudoyo Museum is also an object of educational tourism because it can be used as a means of supporting our understanding of the material that has been given in formal schools regarding ancient relics. We will definitely remember more when we see the visual.
In the current New Normal era, Sonobudoyo Museum is not afraid to provide education and insight to the general public which is expected to be able to meet recreational and educational needs. the room.
To arouse the interest of tourists, the Sonobudoyo Museum holds various activities which are certainly related to the existence of the Sonobudoyo Museum in the community. This year, the Sonobudoyo Museum again holds art performances, namely, wayang kulit which is held on Tuesday at 20.00 – 22.00 WIB, Wayang Panji show on Friday – Sunday at 20.00 – 21.15, as well as a populist art performance which is a new program for Sonobudoyo Museum. . Some of the regional arts include; Jathilan, Kethek Ogleng, Bedouin, Reog, Tayub, and Angguk which are held every Wednesday and Thursday at 20.00-21.00 WIB. In addition, the Sonobudoyo Museum also presents live music every day at 19.00 - finish. This program was launched with the aim of getting closer to millennials and being used as a trigger for visiting the Museum.
This proves that the Sonobudoyo Museum continues to improve its performance in providing the best quality service for the community. So that it is hoped that in the future local culture will remain sustainable and the Sonobudoyo Museum will become a recreational destination for tourists who entertain and educate. (ed/JEF)