Friday June 5, 2020 Museum Sonobudoyo held a virtual talkshow with the registrar and curator of the museum, Aryo Priyanggono.
The role of registrar and curator is an important part in Managing cultural heritage in museum. He shared the story of how the process of inventorying and documenting the entry into a museum before being exhibited. The data collection is carried out in detail, starting from categorizing collection, giving collection numbers, collecting information related to collections. The Information includes the description of the collection, size, weight, color, function, existing damage, to the history of the collection. Nevertheless, the stage of taking picture of the collection.
After the collection goes through these stages, all files are stored in the Sonobudoyo museum database which now has more than 6000 collections. Society are allowed to access the collection data with the applicable terms and procedures. The event was broadcast live through the Sonobudoyo official Instagram with the presenter Harya Rifki the Sonobudoyo Museum Ambasador 2020.