On day 3 (Sunday, 22/11/2015) Temporary exhibition "The Power of the Mask" Sonobudoyo filled Mask Workshop Children Together Kolong Museum Staircase. This workshop is to learn to make masks, followed by brother-sister Elementary School. The mask made specifically for activities such as carnival, parade. Mask making materials derived from construction paper, decorative paper, watercolor harmless, bottle caps and used goods that could be used. This event was hosted by a team of tutors from Kolong Museum Staircase. Enthusiastic children look so happy and enjoy learning to make this paper mask.
Once the workshop is completed, followed by performances Langen Carita Ande - Ande Lumut SD Canisius Sengkan. All dancers and gamelan players from students - elementary school Canisius Sengkan. The audience among children and adults so enjoy this stage. This further adds to the splendor stage Temporary exhibition "The Power Of The Mask" Sonobudoyo. Until the 3rd day of this visitor Temporary exhibition "The Power Of The Mask" is quite high. Temporary exhibitions will still be held until 29 November 2015.