One of the functions of the museum is as the education means for the public about the value and cultural heritage of the nation. In this effort, this year The Sonobudoyo State Museum of Yogyakarta will host an exhibition, on November 20 to 29 2015. This exhibition will be opened for public, and will be held in the museum.
The head of The Sonobudoyo State Museum, Dra Riharyani, conveyed this year Sonobudoyo will collaborate with other institusions like The Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat and The Anak Tangga Museum, as well as artists – which are creating with masks – like Ki Pono Wiguno (the master of Yogyakarta-style classic masks), Diego Zappatero (a photographer from Spain), Tri Purwanto, Andono, Ira Titiana (all are artists), and Miroto and Didi Nini Thowok (dancers). This will be done as an effort to unlock the treasure of the masks in across the time and in the expression of the society.
In the opening at November 20 2015, Didi Nini Thowok will perform the phenomenal dance “Dwi Muka” (Two Faces), where he will use the masks a the creative media in the dance. That dance was able to made him famous to the international world.
For this exhibition, Professor Doktor I Wayan Dana from the Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta was trusted as the Curator of The Exhibition. As the Curator, he has chosen a theme “The Power of The Topeng”. According to him, the masks are able to represent the extraordinary power in the Indonesian public life. Even in the past, the masks were used for rituals (religious expressions), artistic expressions (dances and crafts), and nowadays are used for commercial goods (decorations and key chains).
Prof. Dr. I Wayan Dana added, the developments of the masks will be shown in the exhibition, with the focus on the masks from Yogyakarta. Therefore, the selected icon is the classic mask collection of the Sonobudoyo State Museum, which has the character of Panji and Candrakirana. Meanwhile, the Kraton Yogyakarta will display the classic masks from the epic Ramayana, and Rudi Corens from The Anak Tangga Museum will exhibit the masks of the children.
This exhibition will also be celebrated by various supporters activities, like discussions, performances, and workshops with the attached schedule.